domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Grafeno, el material del futuro.

Lluvia de ideas

  • El grafeno es un nuevo material descubierto por científicos de origen ruso.
  • Proviene del carbono.
  • El grafeno puede llegar a ser más fuerte y resistente que cualquier otro material.
  • Es flexible.
  • Soporta mayores temperaturas.
  • Es liviano
  • Puede ser utilizado en diversos ámbitos (hogar, salud, tecnología).
  • Probable producción de baterías con mayor durabilidad y rendimiento.
  • Se auto- regenera.
  • Puede ser utilizado en los aviones y gastar menos combustible.
  • Absorbe la energía más rápido que los paneles solares convencionales.
  • Es más duro que el diamante y más resistente que el acero.
  • Su peso atómico es el de un átomo.

 Organizador de ideas


Grafeno el material del futuro.

Grafeno, al oír esta palabra de seguro lo primero que nos preguntamos es ¿Qué es o para qué sirve? El grafeno es un material bidimensional descubierto en el año 2004 por los científicos de origen ruso Andre Geim y Konstantin Novoselov. El grafeno proveniente del lápiz grafito cuenta con una estructura laminar plana compuesta por átomos de carbono con forma hexagonal como la de un panal de abejas y su peso puede llegar a ser tan ligero como el de un átomo. Su apariencia pareciera ser frágil y delicada, semejante al de una tela delgada o a la seda pero, ¿Sabía usted que este material es más resistente que el diamante y que el acero? Sí así es, el grafeno es más resistente que un diamante y doscientas veces más resistente que el acero, es más denso y muy flexible. Dado a esta resistencia y flexibilidad el grafeno además sirve como conductor de electricidad superando al cobre. A demás este por ser un elemento químico sintetizable lo hace mas difícil de sustituir en diferencia al grafeno, dado a que es un material renovable.

Sus electrones pueden avanzar cien veces más rápido que en el silicio,(este material se usa para crear chips telefónicos), y a demás mejorar el rendimientos de nuestros procesadores en la computación haciéndolos tener una velocidad extraordinaria y sin el riesgo de que se produzca un sobrecalentamiento en nuestros organizadores gracias al desarrollo de microprocesadores con transistores de grafeno, sin embargo surgen impedimentos para la creación de estos microprocesadores, ya que no solo deben contar con optimas cualidades eléctricas sino también deben ser capaces a vivir a la tensión a la que se ven expuestos durante el proceso de fabricación y al calentamiento a los que son sometidos en resultado a múltiples operaciones, no obstante el grafeno a sido el material que a soportado todos estos procesos de manera favorable. 

Por otro lado debido a esta flexibilidad y resistencia el grafeno promete ser un increíble potencial en algunos ámbitos, como área de salud, tecnología, hogar, e industria.
El grafeno es un material perfecto en su imperfección, dado a que es muy resistente y flexible parece ser un poco contradictorio, es decir, es perfecto en áreas pequeñas, pero debido al uso práctico requiere mayores dimensiones. Por ejemplo para crear una pantalla del porte de un televisor se necesitarían muchos y diminutos granos cristalinos, lo que hace que el material que parece ser poderoso y resistente, pierda fuerza, se debilite y rompa con facilidad, sin embargo científicos han comprobado que incluso el grafeno con esas imperfecciones sigue siendo el más fuerte e indestructible.

¿Y cuál sería la revolución para el futuro?  Como ya lo mencionamos antes el grafeno dado a sus maravillosas propiedades promete ser la revolución dado a que se planea integrar en el mundo de la tecnología, hogar, salud e industria y energía. ¿Se imagina usted desenrollar su celular como desenrolla el periódico o que haya menos contaminación ambiental?. Actualmente en corea del sur la empresa Samsung ha estado desarrollando pantallas transparentes,  táctiles y enrollables de grafeno para iPad, notebooks y celulares, lo cual evidencia que la fuerza sobrenatural que posee el grafeno en la escala atómica puede persistir en muestras más grandes, siendo esta fuerza de gran ayuda para que científicos sigan creando productos electrónicos y flexibles a base de grafeno. En el área de hogar usted podría tener cristalería irrompible y más liviana o paredes pantallas, elementos interactivos y cubiertas transparentes o contar incluso con caparazones humanos indestructibles ante un posible ataque o un atentado, por ejemplo con un chaleco anti- balas, una propuesta que dado a la resistencia se podría llevar a cabo. En la salud podríamos encontrar la reconstrucción de huesos, órganos o músculos y solo a base de grafeno. En industria y energía tendríamos reducción del uso del combustible, baterías de larga duración, con tan solo diez minutos de carga evita el sobre calentamiento del objeto y de manera eficiente o celulares con micro chips mucho más rápidos. Así también es el caso del medio ambiente, este material no tan solo es más resistente que el acero también es un producto Manu facturable sostenible y reciclable que es amable con nuestro medio ambiente y por lo tanto rentable económicamente en el proceso de tratamiento. Usted podría viajar en avión las que utilizarían menos combustible produciendo menos contaminación, obteniendo más rentabilidad y ser así más sostenible ecológicamente. 

En conclusión el grafeno es más que un simple material, es el material del futuro, debido a sus características y propiedades extraordinarias promete cambiar nuestra forma de vida en un futuro optimizándola, haciendo de ella más fácil y cómoda optando a tener una mejor calidad de vida, como en la salud, hogar y medio ambiente entre otros. Si hasta el momentos los smartphones, que son una herramienta para estar comunicados, nos han facilitado la vida con un simple envió de correo electrónicoimagínese las maravillas que podría tener el grafeno en nuestras vidas a futuro con una batería en nuestros celulares que dure días cargada. No cabe duda que el grafeno nos sorprenderá

House description.

  The  family is composed by six people; parents,  grandparents, and two children.They live in a big, detached, two storey house that is painted on the outside in grey colour and the left wall has a ceramic rock shape. In front of the house we can find small stairs that take you to the front door, which is decorated with flowers and some trees and it is surrounded by grass and it has a big garage on the right side.

On the first floor we have a beautiful entrance and next to it we found a small bathroom and the sitting room to welcome guests, next to it, we find a big  dining room where the family enjoy having breakfast, lunch and dinner.In front of the dining room we have the washing room. Next to the washing room and the dining room we can find the kitchen and the big living room. On the second floor we have a corridor that connects to six rooms, on the right side we have two bedrooms, those are; the marital room, where the grand parents sleep,and the big marital room that is connected with a big bathroom where the parents sleep, and between them is the resting room. If we walk on the same corridor in the middle we can see a small bathroom and on the left  we can find two more bedrooms; girl’s bedroom, and boy’s bedroom.

Sitting room: Marisel

On the first floor of the house there is a small living room with creamy, beige coloured walls which connects with the dining room. Next to the white ceiling, there are two small windows, each of them half covered by a tiny, dark brown curtain. In the middle of the wall, there are two paintings that are above a white sofa decorated with four cushions.At both sides of the sofa there are two round and tiny tables with a white lamp on each one.On the right sideof the table you can see a picture frame on the top section and on the section below some books on it. In  the center of the room there is a round shaped coffee table with two black vases on it and in front of the sofa are two comfortable red couches that are perfect to welcome guests.

Dining room + washing room:  Analia

On the other side we have the dining room. It has on the left side a creamy, beige colour wall and there is a picture on it, and next to the picture there is a window with a tiny, dark brown curtain. In front of the table there is another wall that has a different color, which is wine red. In front of it, there is a green plant and a picture, and between of them there is a brown cupboard. In the middle, we have a large, brown, wooden table with six chairs. On the table there is a little tablecloth and there are two chandeliers with red candles. The ceiling is white and there is a lamp hanging from it. This room is made for having a good time with the family, for example eating, having breakfast or dinner.

Next to the dining room we find the laundry.The walls of the laundry has a colour  creamy beige also and this room  has two washing machine, two white doors and has a brown furniture.

Kitchen: Simón

The kitchen is directly connected to the living room without any wall.
Though there is a small table with four chairs between the two rooms. On the table are some orange flowers.
Coming now to the kitchen, we can observe that in its big area stands a kitchen countertop that has a red plate with some decorative balls on it, which are white and black.
Facing the kitchen frontally, we can divide it in two sides. On the left side is the metallic shining fridge that consists of two sections. Next to it are another two cupboards with a timer, some condiments and other working tools on it.
On the right side are some more cupboards. The dishwasher is nearly in the middle of them, facing a window. We can also see some spices and bottles next to the dishwasher.
At the back of the kitchen we can find the silver-looking cocker next to some cupboards, build of an oven and a gas-cooktop. Above it is a small microwave in the top shelves. At the left are two containers, made of glass. In the left, back corner we can perceive a door. Behind it is probably a larder, where you can store the alimony.
The whole kitchen is populated with many storing shelves on the top.
Entirely the kitchen transmits an organized and clean impression. The brown wood used for all the pieces of furniture harmonizes perfectly with the silver, metallic appliances and the marble boards. It is also very well illuminated by the small, round lights which are attached into the ceiling and the three armed lamp above the little table.

Big livingroom: Carolina Rivera

The big living room is located next to the kitchen, and between them there is a small wooden table with four chairs and a vase on it.This part of the house is all covered by a white carpet and has light green walls. Entering to this area, we can notice at its left part a brown wooden fireplace located between two big windows, which is surrounded by some china vases. On the fireplace there is a small plate with certain decorative balls, and above this there is a medium size plasma TV. Next to all of  this, we can see a white armchair with a little cushion on it. Behind the armchair, there is a lit lamp and at its right there are two beautiful black decorations.
Now, if we turn to the right we will see a small tree next to a little wooden table with a portrait, a lamp and some books on it. Continuing, we will found two big brown couches with some striped cushions on them. They are separated by a piece of furniture with a lamp, a plant and some candles on the top of it. In the wall behind one of them are two pictures of flowers and a square mirror with golden edges. In the center of the living room there is a coffee table with two big, black, nut shaped decorations.
In general, this room has a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, ideal for doing relaxing activities like reading, watching TV, etc. or for having a nice evening talking and sharing with your family and friends.

Bathrooms: Dani

Dinosaur room: Dwan Miranda

Out of the bathroom, you are allowed to see a corridor, the stairs and a plant next to it. Walking upstairs, the first thing that we see is a small, colorful room with white and red walls.  There’s a big window next to the bed which has a blanket ,a pillow and a cuddly toy on it. In the wall, where the headboard  is supported, we can see a few letters that form the name “Zack” and, near to that , a big picture of a colorful dinosaur. Beside the bed, you can see a bedside table with a lamp over it. At the feet of the bed, on the floor, there’s  a box with toys in it. In the left wall, that is next to the window , you can see a handbag that has the shape of a green dinosaur. And finally,on the floor next to the bed, we see red ball and another pillow.

Girl room:   Karen Badilla

Getting out of the boy’s room , on the left , we can find the girl’s bedroom  . This room has the characteristic of not having door and medium flats walls in orange with two large windows without courtains. between of one of the windows we have a shelf in which a bag is hanging on there and for the other part a beautiful picture . then we have a large bed with a colorful bredspread and two big pillows, between of the bed there are two small nightstands with a medium lamps and small photos. In front of the bed we have two more  frames one of them it’s like a picture to put notes and next of that other small picture . you may notice a big white desk accompanied with a green chair and on the desktop there are copybooks with beautiful colors . In general this  room looks very comfortable and when you enter can produce a good feeling.

Marital room : Nicolás

This spacious room is located next to the resting room. Inside it, there is another smaller room with many hangers and brown pillows; here you can store clothes, sheets, blankets, pillows, etc. The walls are white and in one of the them there is a window.
The marital room has brownish walls and a white door, there is a big window and a smaller one, and on the main wall there are pictures next to the small window. In the middle, it’s located the marital bed; on it there are a lot of pillows, It seems to be a very comfortable bed. In the corner of the room ,between the windows, there is a plant and a night table with pictures and a night lamp on it. On the other side of the bed there is another night table with some books and a lamp. Next to the front door there is a wardrobe with many things on it. The floor is carpeted and it’s look to be very comfortable. The furniture of this room are made of wood and their color are dark brown.
In general this room look very spacious and very comfortable.

Resting room: Nicole

This part of the house is united with the marital room. It isn’t a very big space but it has its comforts and it can be used as a playroom. The color of the room is the same as the marital room, a brownish almost yellow color with a white ceiling. Starting with the left part of the room we can see a big chest of drawers that occupy all that corner. It is filled with squares of a variety of colours and those, at the same time, are filled by all kinds of toys of different types and colours as well. At the top of that piece of furniture there are three pictures of animals that give life to the place. Focusing on the central part, we can see that again there are three rectangular pictures of animals just in the middle of the wall, and down those pieces of art there is a trash can. Now, finishing with the right part of the room, we can see a beautiful oval lamp that lights the space and just next to that lamp, two red comfortable armchairs that are perfect for resting.

Big marital room: Rodrigo.

This room has plenty of space. The marital bed is located in the middle of the room, that has a brown frame and a flowered bedspread, there are some coloured cushions on the bed. Next to the bed there are two big windows and in front of each of them, the brown bedside tables. The left bedside table has a lot of thing on it like a lamp , and a flower. The right one has a lamp and a photo on it. Above the bed there is a large picture of orange trees , and this picture is on a dark crimson wall, that is the only wall painted in this color. In front of the marital bed there is the brown make up table with flowers, books, vessel and a stylish lamp on it. We have two things next to this furniture: in the left side we have a  brown leather personal sofa with a cushion, and in the right side we have the white frame entrance , that hasn’t a door. The brown chest of drawers has a crimson lamp, a brown bowl and two family pictures on it. Near to this drawer we have the hall  with the closet that has plenty of room. We can say that this room has a lot of room, because there are many things in it and they are not one next to another, there is enough space between the furnitures, and it’s very well organized.

REFLECTION:  In this work, We had to work as a group. At the beginning it was a little difficult because we didn't know what was the instructions or what we had to do. We were many member in the group, so we also were a little confused about how divide the work or how organice the job in an equal way. We fixed that problem, we talked in a chat of the same mail that were we had the instructions. We counted with two leaders and that I think that helped a lot of all of us. Each member of this team had a responsability, I mean some part of the house to describe. It was a nice experiencie because each of us worked and we did a good job such as group.